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User Manual





Information on cookies used

The portal only uses technically necessary, non-configurable cookies that are required for correct functioning.

The e-mail address is stored for login and authentication purposes.



Log In to the Portal

Log In:

To work with the Portal it is necessary to log in to the system with your own personal account connected to the company account.


The login screen is available at :  on your web-browser.


You can also find an overview of how to log in to the portal in the following video:

Login to the Portal

For information on setting up two-factor authentication using OTP is click here.


The Log In screen appears as shown below.




Please enter your email address in the field email address. It represents your user name in the Portal.


Enter your personal password corresponding to the user account in the field Password.


Click Button_Help_Whiteto find help or information about the registration process.


Click Button_Login_Green, to log in to the Portal with the user account data entered.


Alternatively, after entering the email address and password, you can also press the Enter key.


Click forgot password, if you forgot your password and want to receive a new one.


Click Other Log In to log in via e.g. DATEV SmartLogin.




Initial Log In

For security reasons, the initial Log In works a little different.Your company has three options for logging in users.